Thankful Homemaker

A ministry providing truth-filled, gospel-driven encouragement to Christian homemakers who amid their ordinary days desire to honor and glorify God in all things.

Podcast - What do we need from you:

  • Podcast Ad: Share the text for an ad to be read on the podcast to be approximately 60 seconds in length. Marci will personalize it for the episode.

  • Show Notes: Please provide a photo, title, CTA text for the button, and one sentence describing your product to link in the show notes.

  • Podcast Episode Description: A link to your site will also be linked in the podcast episode description.

Newsletter - What do we need from you?

Coffee Chat Newsletter Sponsored Ad:

  • Title

  • Description: the description of your product in 250 words or less

  • Image: One image

  • CTA text: Call to action text on button

Coffee Chat Classified Ad:

  • Title: 2-5 Short sentences for approximately 180 characters.

  • CTA Text: Call to action text on button

Newsletter Sponsored Ad example

Below is an example of what your Sponsorship might look like in the newsletter, and please click on the newsletter link below to see the full ad. Your logo, photo, and call to action button will all be linked, along with any other links within the text you request.

Link to past issue

About me

Hello 😊

I'm Marci Ferrell, and I would like to help share your product or service that benefits my readers and listeners. My readers have a strong trust relationship with me, and I am committed to only promoting products or services I believe in and can honestly recommend.

Please get in touch with me to talk through how we can work together.

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